Attic Insulation - Minnesota Rusco

Attic Insulation

The Benefits of investing in installing correct attic insulation are not only financial but will also make your home a more comfortable environment in which to live.

It is also often one of the easiest home improvement and financing project to complete which can give, especially in the winter months, immediate savings on your home energy bills.

We all first look to the attic as the culprit for unproportionately high energy consumption costs for our home – we are paying so much to create that warm environment within our homes – but that hot air rises and is being lost and we are all too quickly losing the benefit that we are paying for.

It’s all about saving money – by investing now to be able to make a home warmer for less! – and also protecting that investment by making sure your insulation doesn’t come to any harm through roof leaks and more commonly – condensation – make your investment pay for itself and make it last.

Attic Insulation Safety

Safety is always important with any aspect of this home improvement project, Minnesota Rusco will make sure that we will take the necessary steps in order to protect your lungs, your eyes, and your skin during our installation process. It is essential to take these measures especially when dealing with existing older asbestos type insulation that you may have up in the attic.

So leave it up to us, to make sure that your attic is up to snuff and this way you don’t have to worry about all of the dirty stuff.

Attic Ventilation

Another very important consideration is that – especially in the colder months when heat rises – moisture usually goes up with it as well and adequate attic ventilation is vital to preventing dampness building up in your attic and adversely affecting the timbers and also reducing the effectiveness of the R-Value of your insulation…

keeping in mind that wet insulation – whether it is from a leaking roof of high condensation renders your insulation not only ineffective – but will also lead to damaging your home.

Attic Insulation Loose Fill or Batts

Loose Fill
Most attics have some level of attic insulation with loose fill or batt insulation. Loose fill is often chosen because it is a more economical option and especially when it is properly installed – can give better coverage than batt insulation…

Qualified insulation contractors have equipment that blow loose fill in awkward to reach areas and into cavities – it will cost more in man hours than a DIY job using blankets, but home insulation should be done properly for full and long term financial benefits and a warmer more energy efficient home.

Using blanket or batt insulation has risen in popularity because, blankets, batts and rolls are easier to handle for do-it-yourself insulation projects and because batt sizes are available to fit into standard spacing between studs, joists and beams. Extra insulation can be gained by cross insulation with batts over exposed framework.

Getting Started with Attic Insulation

  • Minnesota Rusco knows the proper amount of attic installation which should meet or exceed code requirements for your home and area.
  • Minnesota Rusco has all the qualifications, certificates, experience and insurance to work in your home and do the job properly

Insulation is preventing the passage of heat by imposing non-conductors.

Attic insulation is popular as an energy saving project because it is usually the highest area where energy can be lost – making it is one of the most cost effective installations you can do around your home – and also because it is generally easy to access to resolve the problem and update the Attic Insulation. Complimentary Quote available upon inspection

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